Saturday, January 31, 2009

This link will make you *crack* up

This is a pretty good follow-up to the cartoon Ben just posted. It's amazing what people can do with Google Earth now-a-days. I think it's hilarious that they found a pot farm simply using Google Earth... these Feds have too much free time lol. The farm was 2 acres! Isn't that crazy? Read ahead for the article. There are two links at the bottom of this post if you want to read more.

If something is located on Planet Earth these days, there's a good chance that someone is looking at it. With satellites monitoring everything and Google Earth putting it all up online, it's getting harder and harder to hide your nuclear weapons cache and keep your naked sunbathing habits private. It's certainly getting harder to grow your greens out in the open.

Swiss police scored a major bust the other day when they accidentally stumbled onto a two-acre cannabis plantation while looking at Google Earth maps. The pot was hidden inside of a cornfield, but cops were able to spot the herb between the stalks.

''It was an interesting chance discovery,'' said a cop involved in the raid. The bust was part of a bigger investigation that eventually led to 16 arrests and the seizure of 1.2 tons of bud.

Swiss Cops Find Pot Farm Link

Also check out NY Times Article

Comic - Coke with Lemon

Gerald's marketing campaign presentation didn't exactly make a positive impression on his business associates.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Comic - Cherry Garcia

He like's performing if there's a mosh *pit*. :)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Comic - Ribosome: Life in the E.R.

  It looks like cell transport might get a little dangerous tonight.  

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Comic - Congrats President Obama! :P

Figured we definitely needed a cartoon to commemorate this momentous day in history: Inauguration 2009! In honor of the inauguration, this week I'm posting my cartoon 1 day early. Congratulations to Pres. Obama and his family! Looks like the future - at least 4 years - is now in the hands of the youth!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Comic - Davy Jones' Locker

O'Malley really should have read the fine print when he signed up at the pirate gym.

Friday, January 16, 2009

100 bottles of beer

(This picture is not drawn by Purple Cow)

The following link was too funny not to post on this site. Apparently, in Peru, the top court ruled that workers cannot be fired simply for showing up to work drunk!! The full article is below.

Drunk Dude Newsjavascript:void(0)

Maybe they feel productivity will go up? 4 workers were already fired for drinking and 2 were drivers lol. Maybe Budweiser should relocate to Peru to help their workers. :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

back 2 skool

Yeah and you were wondering why we stopped updating everyday.  Maybe.  Yeah but i'll still find time somehow, just like I had time to see the wrestler tonight (good movie) and then wait for the Branvan since my friend got his car towed by parking in one of the only 2 "No Parking" spots in the lot.  Well on the bright side, the theater in waltham has flavored powders for the popcorns, which can be really awesome or really disgusting depending on how you use them.  I'm back doing crew again, so maybe it'll help me get insane/sleep deprived enough that my blog posts become strings of random gibberish. woot.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Moose RUN!!!!!!!

It seems like the moose have taken over the news the last couple days. Every time I log on there's a new story about a misbehaving moose. For some reason, the location is always Washington. Coincidence? Maybe. Or is this a scheme between these creatures to take over the country? j/k, but you gotta admit it is pretty strange! I think the weirdest story regarding a moose that I had ever heard was when one kept going swimming in this lady's backyard pool. It took them ages to get him out!

Anyway, check out the two articles below and add your opinion on what you think is up with these crazy moose! :) Feel free to add your own stories about crazy animals on the run!

Moose gets loose!

Baby Moose falls through Wash Family's House!

Friday, January 9, 2009


I finally got a DDR during Christmas! Since then I've played it a couple times with my sister and managed to get the hang of it. It seems like you need to be really hyper to play the game. Hence, Purple Cow once again suggests that caffeine can make or break you - use it wisely.

I spent today looking at DDR vids online to see if I could pick up any pointers from masters. To my suprise I found that the best DDR player is a 4 year old kid!! LOL! Check out this clip and be amazed at this kid's skills. It's ridiculous!

DDR Child Prodigy

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Comic - Cell Phone Woes

This cartoon is dedicated to everyone who has dropped their phone in a toilet. ;P It's okay, you can admit it... we won't make fun of you here. No toilet humor.

Random fact: 40,000 Americans are injured by toilets each year.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Caffeine is God, or at least a Demigod

        Yeah so I went on a late date last night and went to some 24-hour diner where all the waiters either acted like they hated your face or they were smiley but didn't speak any English.  After getting ice cream they just gave me my check and I wanted to stay longer so I asked for coffee even though it was like midnight, without realizing  I coulda just done decaf.
         So I was up acting happy and caffeinated and talking to people in different time zones and going on facebook and making some fantasy baseball trade offers until 5:30 A:M.  You should try it, some day you don't have anything important the next day, it really is quite fun and other people will either share your happiness or smile as they discreetly dial the psychiatric hospital.  Speaking of, here's one of my favorite insane vids that the making of probably involved a lot of caffeine or some other more potent drug (protip: I recommend just watching the first 6:30 to avoid nightmares and such).  You've probably already seen it if you're crazy enough to visit here, but why don't you watch it anyway since you're clearly already procrastinating?  That's the spirit!

Update - 8:31 P.M. - Blargh caffeine is evil don't do it kids ughhhh

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Purple Cow lyrics

These weren't written by us... though I assure you if we did they'd be even weirder. Maybe we'll make a purple cow jingle for the site. Honestly I didn't think anyone would actually write lyrics about a purple cow. Though I bet there are people out there who think no one would've made a blog called purple cow... so I guess we're even? :)

Enjoy ze lyrics...

(Fred Spielman / Paul Francis Webster)

Doris Day - 1953

The very day the day we kissed
I went to see my occulist
The occulist said "I insist, it looks like love

I never thought I'd ever see a purple cow
I never thought I'd hear a butter fly meouw
I never thought I'd see these funny things somehow
But you've got me seeing them now

I never thought I'd ever see a green giraffe
I never thought I'd ever see a waltzing calf
I never thought I'd see a weeping willow laugh
But you've got me seeing them now

Ev'rything's hazy, upside down above
Don't think I'm crazy
I'm in Love, I'm in Love, I'm in Love

I never thought I'd ever see a purple cow
You gotta be in love to see a purple Cow
But since the day you kissed me, Baby
Take a bow, 'cause you've got me seein' one now

(Instrumental Break)

I never thought I'd ever see a purple cow
You gotta be in love to see a purple Cow
But since the day you kissed me, baby
Take a bow, 'cause you've got me seein' one now
Better than bein' one
You've got me seein' one now

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Comic - Party Schools

So that appropriate tailgating can occur, the Smokah Bowl takes place in Amsterdam, where they play on a soccer field instead of a football stadium, but they're so out of it they usually don't even notice.

Also, apparently red shirt guy is so excited about the Smokah Bowl that his head doubles in size when he mentions it.  Um yeah.

Friday, January 2, 2009

2008: The year of the Rickroll

By this point, Rickroll has become a household word, which Youtube helped popularize by Rickrolling everyone on April Fools Day.  It was a funny joke for a while, but we need a new variation to keep us busy.  Here are two of the most delicious "rolls" I've found on the internets.

"Cake Roll'd"

No the first one didn't actually happen, but imagine if it did...  The second one, you may need to sacrifice a small piece of your soul to enjoy.  But you've probably already done that somewhat just from visiting here.  Muahaha.