Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Comic - Pressing Issues

  I'm not really opinionated on that whole Octomom story, if anyone asked me what I thought of it I would say that it's just a lame story during a slow news week.  Honestly, I don't care much for mass media coverage of anything, but at least it's on a relevant issue now since some of the hype is justified.  Now if only they could give fair coverage other pressing issues like global warming and the genocide in Sudan... ratings would plummet.  Now if it's about Britney Spears' latest trainwreck, NOW we're talking news!  LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Comic - It's What's for Dinner

Hey, if there's ever a nuclear attack - they'll become the new hot item.  Speaking of hard shelled creatures no one really likes, I tried crab for the first time last week at a casino.  I wondered why the dish was called the "Smashing Crab Party" until they brought out three whole crabs with a claw cracker and a wooden mallet, and a cute little crab smashing bib.  I just took the mallet and started cracking the shell, making a mess everywhere; from the look of the New Orleans couple next to us, I was doing this terribly wrong.  They came over and instructed me on proper crab-destroying technique, which is actually a quite complex and multi-step process, and I must say now I am definitely a pro at it, crabs beware.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Comic - Wheel of Misfortune

Some people just shouldn't go on game shows. I'm kinda disappointed as to how the people came out - in terms of the drawing - but the rest of the "set" took longer to make and I got distracted. Anyway, enjoy the cartoon!

This is my last cartoon for a while because I'm going to be out of the country for a month. I'm sure Ben'll keep you all entertained in the meantime.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Comic - Apprehend that Swine!

Why can't the human race get diseases where we can mutant for the better - like turn into XMen characters or something? Swine flu is too lame... unless we all turned into pigs. The name's misleading. Ah well.

Here's a bonus story for you all too:
This little piggy went to market, this little piggy stayed home, and this little piggy gave us swine flu, and now we all stayed home. :P

Monday, May 4, 2009

Comic - Political Comic (sorta)!

  Swine flu - Because no one cared when the bird flu.  Symptoms include stumpy arms and the desire to read the Lazy Webcartoonist Times: All the squiggly lines that are fit to print.

Seriously though, I think the best thing about this pandemic panic is that it gives me an excuse to drink and not sleep... "No really guys, I'm doing it to weaken my immune system so I'm less susceptible to Swine Flu, I'm just looking out for my own health!"  Yesss.