Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Comic - Happy Moo Year! :)

Happy New Year to all our readers! Hope you get everything you want in the coming year. :)

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Yeah so it looks like my new years' resolution is going to be to not get a virus that spreads to my whole family, including my cats.  Well if anything good came out of it, it's that it jarred my memory, since my frequent hot and cold spells made me dream that I was a contestant on that short-lived game show "The Chair" which aired for less than a season like 5 years ago.  Weird.  Well I've spent some time on youtube since I'm not able to do much else, and this is all I got to show for it:

Monday, December 29, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

2009 is approaching fast. I'm sure you've all made New Year's resolutions already or are planning on making some. If you're rather confused regarding what to make or how to approach the new year, then use the following list to help you prepare for the New Year.

Tips for 2009
1) Pay everyone only in pennies
2) Say "You got served, sucka!" every time a waiter gives food to someone at your table
3) Wear underwear only outside your pants.. if you have access to a cape then wear that too. When you see an elderly person crossing the road swoosh your cape around and join them saying only you can take them across.
4) Procrastinate more... or delay this one till 2010
5) Pretend to be an answering machine when people call you
6) Pretend to be a dial tone when people call you
7) Answer the phone as Dr. Seuss would
8) Put your money where your mouth is... no really, tape it there and walk around outside
9) Learn to moon walk - walk a block and then moon someone (just not a cop, or you could pull a zsa zsa gabor and slap 'em)
10) Act surprised every time you hear someone say 2009 and claim that you just arrived from a time capsule

Personally, I already do number 3, so I guess I need to work on fulfilling the other 9.

2008 in Review

Hopefully, you've all survived the holidays and are getting ready to hit up various New Years parties towards the end of the week.

Apparently 2008 was the year of the rat in the Chinese calendar... but 2009 seems more favorable for our blog as it's Year of the Cow (or Ox)! :D I guess there will be good luck coming our way 2009!

In case you missed the events of '08 here's a recap brought to you by Jib Jab:
Jib Jab: Year in Review

Jib Jab makes really weird cartoons. They all are pretty much politically based. I guess the best way to describe them is, if SNL were animated you'd get Jib Jab. Anyway, check out the link and enjoy!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Comic - Ancient Pick-up Lines

Anyone with any knowledge of ancient cuneiform or pictographs knows that the man is actually propositioning an ox.  The fish in the adjacent panel is consumed with jealousy.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Some Christmas music that you can celebrate Christmas being over to!

These are two funny christmas music videos worth your time whether or not that fat dude plops down your chimney and eats your cookies:

"I ate Chinese food on Christmas"
I for one totally watched a movie on Christmas, missed out on the chinese food this time.  But man most christmas music drives me crazy, since you tend to hear the same ones over and over, but now we don't need to listen to it for another 10 months or so.  Woo!  Chanukah's almost over too, at this point i'm spinning dreidels in my sleep so it's probably for the best.  New comic in a few hours woo!

Comic - Human Dreidel

Felt like continuing with the Holiday theme for this week. More links and other randomness still to come for this week.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

A moo-re silly post for today

Not exactly holiday related but hilarious none-the-less.  Was surfing on youtube and came across this video-clip.  Pretty funny so figured it'd belong on this blog.  Check it out and enjoy!

Crazy Cow

Moo-ry X-Mas!!

o Just wanted to wish our viewers a very Merry Christmas!! :) We hope that you have a fantastic Christmas and get everything you want!

Please continue to celebrate the Holidays by visiting our blog! We're just getting started but the craziness is only going to grow from here on out! We hope you keep coming back!

Here are a couple more links for your enjoyment!
1) A Geek's guide to surviving Christmas

No the geek isn't one of the purple cows, it's some random youtuber! Rather odd clip. Enjoy it!

2) Robbie the Reindeer: Robbie Meets Santa
Robbie the Reindeer is a series on TV that Ben Stiller actually started. The first one "Hooves on Fire" aired in 1999 in the UK first. The cast in that version was different than the US cast. After it was a hit there they sold it to the US and replaced the cast with the likes of Brad Garrett (Santa), Britney Spears (Donner), Ben Stiller (as Robbie), and even a UK dude - Hugh Grant (as Blitzen). It's worth watching. The clip itself is when Robbie meets Santa but the full version is on Youtube.

<3 Purple Cow Team

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Moo-ve over Santa, cuz it's Hannukah time right now!

Hey lovely readers,

This week we decided that we're going to provide you with the best and funniest Holiday video clips on youtube. I know you're all eagerly anticipating some more cartoons, but not to worry, Ben and I both are still busily making comics for you. However, for now, we wanted to bring you some Holiday beer... er cheer.

This first link is for our jew-crew... Happy Hannukah! (now don't try this at home... well if you're parents are there) ;)

Link numero dos is for those of you celebrating X-Mas. I don't know how many of you remember the show "In Living Color" but here's a classic clip from the show with Fire Marshall Bill as Santa.
Fire Marshall Bill

Enjoy everyone! Till tomorrow!

Purple Cow alpha (Roopa)

Regularly Scheduled Insanity!

Starting this Saturday, we will be now posting fresh comics every Wednesday and Saturday!  It's an unconventional schedule for webcomics, but I figure it's good to help get you over the hump day hump (or keep you busy while doing the hump day hump) and also something to look at and procrastinate with on those lazy saturdays.  We are also hoping to have some animated shorts about once a month or so, and probably some other kinds of randomly scheduled, random randomness. 

 So spread the word about Purple Cow, we're new to the webscene so we'd love you unconditionally if you can help a few handfuls of people to know about us.  Well I suppose then it's not really unconditional love but yeah just do it anyway, and Roopa and I will try to wish good karma onto you or something because we can totally do that.  Peace out, girl scouts!*

                                                      - Ben a.k.a. Purple Cow Beta

      * P.S.  We do not necessarily endorse the Girl Scouts of America, but we may be prone to "accidentally" nabbing their delicious delicious cookies while they aren't looking

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Comic - iCow

I was just talking to a friend about iPhones and was thinking how cool it would be if everything was that simple. I.e. if we had an iCow, we could just press buttons on it and get a shake with no hassles. Yum.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Comic - Scratch and... eh.

Comic - Double-oh Dec 10 2008

Druken molecules. This is probably what's going on at the chemical level when you drink.

Jan '09 - had to make a correction cuz I realized oxygen is a double bond! :P Oh well that makes double the trouble!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


The blog for the udderly ridiculous. Combining the warped minds of Roopa Modha and Ben Pernick. We are bringing you everything to keep your world crazy - odd posts, weird cartoons, all accompanied by kick ass beats... Expect lots of randomness. Don't bother trying to make sense of anything on this blog (and if any of it does make sense to you then you are definitely more crazy than us). Enjoy your stay!

Creative Commons License
Purple Cow Blog: Udderly Ridiculous Comics and other Randomness by Roopa Modha and Benjamin Pernick is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at